Le site officiel du Tourisme en Aveyron

Village de Peyre, Aveyron © C. Bousquet - CD12
Village de Peyre

Towns and Village
of Aveyron

79 results

Médiathèque La Manufacture - Fonds de Jazz - La 2ème collection publique de France


Promotion of jazz and blues music.

Visitez La Salvetat Peyralès

La Salvetat-Peyralès

Visitez La Capelle-Bleys

La Capelle-Bleys

This typical village is situated to the west of the Ségala. Along with the village center that was once called Douzoule, you can find many hamlets: Bleys, Ayres, Montloubet, La Bessarède, la Fage and Jargalou where the river Jaoul starts.

Visite guidée de Najac et de la maison du Gouverneur


Its architectural heritage and its natural environment have enabled Najac to be classed as one of the plus beaux villages de France (most beautiful villages in France), to boast the label of "Pays d'Art et d'Histoire" Town of Art and History and recently the label of "Grands Sites Midi-Pyrénées" with Villefranche de Rouergue.

Visitez La Bastide l'Evêque

Le Bas-Ségala

Walk through the alleyways of this charming village and discover the copper foundries !

Visitez Tizac

Le Bas-Ségala

From its 460 meters high panorama, Tayrac overlooks the Serène ! This village may have originated from the gallo-roman agricultural era.

Commanderie du Larzac - visite du monument Templier Hospitalier


The commandry, seat of the Knights Templar and Hospitaller is a witness to the continued presence of the religious and military orders in the West.

Oreilles en balade à Peyrusse-le-Roc


With a helmet on your ears, discover the Aveyron. Let yourself be guided by the stories told and lived by the inhabitants of the village. An activity for everyone or family. Adult version and child version, free.

Explore Castelpers


A hamlet, home of prestigious Lords!

Vue panoramique et visite de Camarès


Circuit discovery of the Vieux Camarès free visit (leaflet available at the Office de Tourisme).

Découverte du village d'Estaing


Discover the village of Estaing and its history: 15th century Saint Fleuret church, the Gothic bridge and college (early 16th century), the picturesque alley-ways and heritage curiosities. Free selguided-tour map of the village available at the information center. Guided tours on request (from groups of 10 only)

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