Le site officiel du Tourisme en Aveyron

Randonnée en pleine nature, Aveyron © J. Morel - editionsdelacevenne.com
Randonnée en pleine nature

in Aveyron

Whether trekking or just out for a day’s walk, the Aveyron is a land for walking par excellence, ideal for discovering its countryside.

Walking aveyron
Walking aveyron

Not surprising that the Aveyron is the top département for walking in France. 

There are more than 900km of long distance Grande Randonnée footpaths and a network of 4000km of shorter walks, which enable families to fully benefit from these great open spaces.


Walkers will always find something new here, from the most famous such as the Chemin de Saint Jacques de Compostelle GR65 to the most exclusive ones such as the Tour du Larzac Templier GR71. Plateaux, gorges, valleys, cliffs and mountains, but also sources, streams, waterfalls and lakes, there is something for everyone.  From crossing the Aubrac plateaux to the corniches of the Tarn, from the Lévézou lakes to the Rougiers of Marcillac or Camarès, not forgetting the great cultural itineraries, the Aveyron appears as a concentration of discoveries that never cease to amaze walkers.

94 results

CPIE - Animations de découverte de l'environnement


The CPIE du Rouergue, an association serving increased awareness and education on our environment. Your walks in the heart of the Parc naturel régional des Grands Causses: visiting ecological and heritage sites, discover the richness of this territory, the traditions and the "savoir-faire" of the people who live here.

Bureau des accompagnateurs - Randonnée


The instructors' office is a network of independent qualified instructors working on the Grands Causses, Gorges du Tarn and the Southern Massif Central.

Sentier de l'imaginaire : et le paysan créa la prairie


And the peasant created the prairie. The soul of the trail at Thérondels are the animals, the inhabitants, the culture, the traditional economy and Antoine's tractor museum. The surprises are: the anthill, the visit of the milk cooperative and other discoveries. Views over the massif Cantalien and the Aubrac Lozérien.

GR de Pays 'Lo Camin d'Olt'


Leaving from Entraygues, the 2 circuits of lo Camin d'Olt (maintained and marked by yellow and red by the ONF and the CDRP) enable you to discover the Lot valley and Gorges de la Truyère.

La Maison des Accompagnateurs - Randonnée


Discovery, travelling, unusual excursions or workshop hiking ...Choose the formula that suits you!

Topo guide randonnées pédestres et à VTT à Sévérac d'Aveyron


6 hikes and mountain bike tours to discover the nature and landscapes around Sévérac d'Aveyron !

Nécropole wisigothe du Sabel

Les Costes-Gozon

Discover the Visigoth tombs and ancient dwellings, explanation panels and children's orientation course.

SUD RANDOS Aventure Famille en liberté


Hiking, Activities and Adventures with a roadmap

Les Alpagouilles - élevage d'alpagas


La Ligne Verte


Selfguided walking and cycling tours in Aveyron. Bags transfers included, GPX-tracks, routenotes and maps are provided.

Circuit de découverte au Fel: un village, un vignoble

Le Fel

Discovery circuit starting from Le Fel (a village, a vineyard).

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