Le site officiel du Tourisme en Aveyron

Musée Fenaille à Rodez, Aveyron © P. Thebault -Tourisme Occitanie
Musée Fenaille à Rodez

Museum, art, expositions
in Aveyron

130 results

Moulin des Arts, espace d'art contemporain


The Atelier Blanc, a contemporary art space, runs the Moulin des Arts in Saint-Rémy, only 5 km from Villefranche de Rouergue. Pedagogical actions are possible around the exhibitions.

Terra Olt


Scenographic centre dedicated to the river Lot and the traditions of this valley: navigation, fishing, daily life of the Ribièrols (riverains in French - inhabitants), geography, geology, ... new interactive course to learn while having fun.

Espace EDF Truyère de Couesques


Located in the former control room of the power plant of Couesques, this new EDF Truyère space is a place to discover the industrial heritage of the rivers Lot and Truyère.

La Maison des Dolmens


La Maison des Dolmens is a discovery site in the Parc Naturel Régional des Grands Causses: you will find an exhibition on the construction and the functions of these "stone tables". 17 dolmens are to be found around the Maison des Dolmens ... so don't hesitate to follow the "Dolmen Discovery Circuit" available at the Office de Tourisme!

Château de Taurines


13th-14th century castle restaured in 1982 by the "Association du Château de Taurines", in collaboration with "Les Compagnons du Devoir". Every summer since 1985, an exhibition of contemporary art is presented in this exceptional setting.

Conques - Musée Joseph Fau


Conques - Trésor d'orfèvrerie médiévale


Miraculously preserved religious treasure.

Musée de Lincou


Don't hesitate to discover: "a unique place".

Mille Ans de Traces en Aubrac


Exhibition " Mille ans de Traces en Aubrac " : the life of the farmers in the 11th century, mills, the resistance movement, the fauna and the deers.

Micro-musée de la vie paysanne à Durbec


In Durbec, a micro-museum of peasant life, a sublime viewpoint and a lovely walk along the drains and paths

La Grange


Musée Le Moulin de Burée


On the beautiful water discovery walk in Brommat, an indispensable stop: the discovery of a flower watermill, how it works and its history.

Galerie - Musée Marcel Boudou


This museum, open in the summer period (July and August) exhibits in this period works by local artist Marcel BOUDOU and welcomes themed temporary exhibitions.

Site Archéologique de la Graufesenque MUMIG


Commentated visit of part of the village of the Gallo-Roman potters where you will see the sanctuaries, firing ovens, workshops and houses.

Musée d'art Sacré


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