Le site officiel du Tourisme en Aveyron

Musée Fenaille à Rodez, Aveyron © P. Thebault -Tourisme Occitanie
Musée Fenaille à Rodez

Museum, art, expositions
in Aveyron

130 results

La Maison de la Truffe


La Maison de la Truffe invites you to an exciting encounter with this mythical mushroom: the truffle! At the end of the free visit, the black diamond will let you discover its secrets...

Médiathèque La Manufacture - Fonds de Jazz - La 2ème collection publique de France


Promotion of jazz and blues music.

Musée Au fil du Rail


Au fil du rail in Agen d'Aveyron invites you to visit its two miniature trains networks, realistic decors, various animations, sound and light.

Nos campagnes autrefois


Exhibition on rural life before 1950, i.e. before the agricultural mechanisation.

L'Ancre - Espace boutique, bibliothèque et musée du Pôle des métiers d'art du Pays Ségali


The Pays Ségali crafts center welcomes you to its designer shop and offers a program of exhibitions from April to December in its space dedicated to the public.

Village de Belcastel


History of the village (one of the most beautiful villages in France) and its heritage.

Château / Musée de la vie rurale / Musée de la pierre


In the château at the heart of the mediaeval village of Saint Beauzély, a collection of more than 5000 objects concerning agricultural crafts, rural life and stone crafts. Reconstruction of a school classroom at the start of the last century. Museum associated with the Museum of the Rouergue.

Moulin de Couffinhal à Couesques


This water mill already existed in 1683, it was destined for the production of flour and walnut oil and worked until 1970.

Hameau médiéval de Saint-Caprazy


St Caprazy, a medieval hamlet in the Sorgues valley, has preserved its authenticity through the centuries. The picturesque village offers a cultural experience celebrating craftsmanship.

Musée du Rouergue (Moeurs et Coutumes)


The former prison in Espalion is a beautiful Neo-Classical style building. It holds the collections of the Rouergue Museum relating to habits and customs.

Maison Départementale de la mémoire résistance, déportation et citoyenneté


Area dedicated to the darkest period of the 20th century: the Second World War.

Musée des Beaux Arts Denys-Puech


Next to works by the sculptor Aveyronnais Denys PUECH (1854-1942), famous for his feminine portraits imbued with melancholy, the museum presents an important collection of contemporary art.

Musée de Thénières


Le Musée d'Antoine


An original presentation of old tractors (from 1920 onwards) and diverse agricultural equipment.

Poterie - Galerie du Don

Le Fel

Europeen reference site dedicated to contemporary ceramics! A breathtaking architectural audacity and internationally known for the surprising diversity of its collections and its high-level temporary exhibitions.

Musée Joseph Vaylet - musée du Scaphandre


The museum, set in the former church, presents two kinds of collection : the Joseph Vaylet folk arts museum ; and the musée du scaphandre, presenting artefacts related to the history of diving, in tribute to Rouquayrol and Denayrouze.

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