Le site officiel du Tourisme en Aveyron

VTT dans les rougiers, Aveyron © OnBike
VTT dans les rougiers

Mountain bike
in Aveyron

101 results

Espace Sport Nature - VTT


This Nature Sport Area (Espace Sport Nature) is the starting point of marked mountain bike circuits (more than 200km of marked circuits) and of 14 fixed orientation courses.

Topo guide randonnées pédestres et à VTT à Sévérac d'Aveyron


6 hikes and mountain bike tours to discover the nature and landscapes around Sévérac d'Aveyron !

Cycle Azam shop


Bicycles from A to Z with AZAM Cycling shop: Workshop for all makes, equipped to receive all your bikes in the best all your bikes in the best conditions

Locations de vélos et VTT


Children's, teenagers' and adults' bikes for hire. A real pleasure for everyone on holiday devoting oneself to this leisure activity on or off road.

Espace VTT FFC 'Entre Gorges Lot et Truyère'


170km of circuits marked and maintained by the ONF and the local mountain bike club "VCLT". 10 circuits marked green, blue, red or black when leaving Golinhac, Entraygues, Couesque and Pons.

Aveyron A Vélo




Our centre is situated at the heart of a mountain bike site accredited by the Mountain bike federation. With nearly 400km of marked trails around the Gorges de l'Aveyron, you won't be short of possibilities for varying the pleasures and difficulties.

Cyclomoteurs et scooters : locations


For youngsters and teenagers searching fro freedom, the hire of mopeds is an excellent alternative, for having a nice holiday in the country.

Cycles Dumas Natural


I like the bicycle for the oblivion it gives. I can walk, but I think. With a bicycle I go in the wind, I do not think any more, and nothing is of such a delicious rest. Go and discover the paths of the Roquefort



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