Le site officiel du Tourisme en Aveyron

Brousse-le-Château © J. Tomaselli / Tourisme Aveyron

Tarn valley
See and do

90 results

Terres Cuites de Raujolles


Manufacture of tiles, terracotta, earthenware, decorated ceramics.

Le Héron des Raspes - croisière découverte sur le Tarn


Embark aboard the "Héron des Raspes" and navigate in a particular landscape of the region, the Gorges Cristalline du Tarn, a natural site of impressive chaos. Plage du Mas de la Nauc (beach): boat hire and lifeguard patrolled beach in July and August.

La Ferme Alcaline


Prieuré de Comberoumal


Nestling in an agreeable natural setting away from prying eyes, this priory situated on the route de Mauriac on the edge of Saint Beauzély represents a charming haven of peace. Each year in august the priory holds a concert as part of the Festival de Musiques Sacrées de Sylvanès (Sylvanès religious music festival).

Brasserie de la Muze


Ferme de la Blaquière


Isolated farm on a promontory of the Causse de Séverac, benefiting from an exceptional situation: an "end of the world" that offers a superb panorama of the Gorges du Tarn and the Causses stretching out below.

Atelier Terralhas - Eliane Regimbeau


Porcelain items enamelled by crystallising

Coupiac Castle and Rural Wood Museum


In the heart of the village of Coupiac, the 15th century castle opens its doors to you and allows you to discover daily life in the Middle Ages and its furnished rooms.

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