Le site officiel du Tourisme en Aveyron

Randonnée en Ségala, Aveyron © Ségala Vivant
Randonnée en Ségala

See and do

136 results

Atelier Berlingot


Miquels ceramic workshop. Egyptian clay, agateware, raku-yaki, terra sigillata. Open all year round.

balade autour du Bouscal

Distance 3km


Le Segalou


Bruno Rivière


Les Forges de Modulance


"I create hand-made knives of all kinds, whether forged or not : penknives (notably "Le Modulance"), table knives, hunting knives, traditional Japanese or traditional medieval kitchen knives, all made by my family from generation to generation". Open all year round

Chapelle Saint Jean Baptiste de Modulance


The Saint Jean-Baptiste Chapel is set on the Modulance moutain, thus offering a great panorama on the Segala at 804 meters.

Centre équestre du Haut Ségala


Open all year, this modern, high quality equestrian centre (opened in 2016) offers treks by the hour or by the day as well as an introduction to pony riding for beginners, training courses and classes for all levels.

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