Le site officiel du Tourisme en Aveyron

Brousse-le-Château © J. Tomaselli / Tourisme Aveyron

Tarn valley
See and do

90 results

Poterie de la Rivière


Come and visit our pottery shop in the cellar of a 17th century building. We produce stoneware dishes and decorative subjects.

Église de Saint-Victor et fresques de Nicolaï Greschny


In the village of Saint Victor, you will find the "Sistine chapel of the Rouergue". Here Nicolaï Geschny unveils his treasure. 25 frescos painted in the Byzantine tradition.

Nécropole wisigothe du Sabel

Les Costes-Gozon

Discover the Visigoth tombs and ancient dwellings, explanation panels and children's orientation course.

Roc Saint-Jean et Sentier d'interprétation


The Roc Saint-Jean with its belvedere and interpretation path with a stunning view on the Gorges des Raspes du Tarn.

Église Saint-Jacques le Majeur


Historical Monument, 15 century church, village listed in the Prettiest Villages in France. With its fortified belltower it is proudly erected below the village, near the Tarn and the Alrance.

Le Héron des Raspes - croisière découverte sur le Tarn


Embark aboard the "Héron des Raspes" and navigate in a particular landscape of the region, the Gorges Cristalline du Tarn, a natural site of impressive chaos. Plage du Mas de la Nauc (beach): boat hire and lifeguard patrolled beach in July and August.

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