Le site officiel du Tourisme en Aveyron

Randonnée à cheval sur le Puech Monseigne, Aveyron © G. Guillot - Clip Clap Prod
Randonnée à cheval sur le Puech Monseigne

Top 12 Mountains and Lakes of LévézouSee and do

112 results

Bateau-promenade Le Papillon Jaune sur le lac de Pareloup


Guided trip on the Pareloup lake on board of the excursion boat "Le Papillon jaune"!!! Sail the quiet waters of the lake for 1h15...

Sentier botanique de St-Léons


1h walk (return to the dry lawn) or loop of 2h. Approx. fifteen panels on the trees of various natural environments (identification, use, legends...) Free access throughout the years

Commanderie des Canabières


The commandery of the hospitallers of Saint Jean de Jérusalem des Canabières is the oldest hospitaller foundation in Rouergue.

Volailles et oeufs du Lévezou


L'escargot des Sarradelles


In the hamlet of Ferrieu between Flavin and Pont de Salars, Thierry has installed his snail breeding farm for gros gris and petits gris. He breeds, transforms and commercialises them. Guided educational tour by appointment with tasting from mid June to mid September.

Eglise de Saint-Julien-de-Fayret


Church of the 15th century with remarkable slate roofs.

La ferme aux Chênes Rouges- Agriculture biologique


Visits of the farm, explanations about the rearing and agricultural methods used in organic production. Demonstration of force feeding and tasting.

Sentier botanique d'Arvieu


A unique richness of flora in the region.

Chapelle de Bergounhoux


13th century building in a remote and pleasant area.

Eglise de St-Etienne-de-Viauresque


Historical listed monument, partially Romanesque (12th century).

Jardin d'insectes dit du perce-oreille


A real garden to discover insects in their natural habitat. Free access throughout the year.

Eglise des Canabières


Its spandrel and font dug in an old capital in pink stone are listed in the MH. It is near the oldest hospitaller commandery of Rouergue.

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