Le site officiel du Tourisme en Aveyron

Via ferrata, Aveyron © E. Maury - Tourisme Aveyron
Via ferrata

Climbing, speleology, via ferrata
in Aveyron

Aveyron offers one of the most beautiful sites in the world for climbing, via ferrata or discovering historic caves.
If you love strong sensations, these activities are for you !

85 results

Bureau des Accompagnateurs- Spéléologie


Discover the subterranean world and the caves of the Grands Causses sculpted by the water.

Nature et Sensations Escalade


Faites vous emmener par Théo, moniteur indépendant d'escalade.

Esprit Nature - Spéléologie


Esprit Nature offers initiation caving for discovery or something more sporty if you wish to go further. You will discover the world of caverns by exploring caves. The courses vary and progress from underground walks to something more demanding.

Nömad - Escalade


Avenga - via corda


Roc et Canyon - Escalade / Rappel Géant


From 7 to 77 years old... from 3 to 200 metres... Climbing for everyone!

Rockeo - Escalade


Falaise d'escalade de Cantobre


Climbing in the Gorges de la Dourbie is special with the sites of Le Boffi and Cantobre. The cliffs at Cantobre are situated at the confluence of the Dourbie and Le Trévezel. They face the perched village of Cantobre. Three sectors are offered with 80 climbs to explore.

Avenga - base multi-activités


Spéléologie avec Nicolas Daniel


Roc et Canyon - Spéléologie


Unusual underground adventures.

Aloa Nature - Escalade


The Gorges de la Truyère area offers exceptional visits to satisfy your desire for thrills. All these courses are secure. Do it!

Bureau des Accompagnateurs - Escalade et via ferrata


Discover the world of heights and cliffs with a guide in all simplicity.

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