Le site officiel du Tourisme en Aveyron

Saint-Geniez dOlt © OT-Causse-Aubrac

Where to stay

You have chosen to spend your holidays in Aveyron?
St Geniez d´Olt and its region are an ideal starting point for your stay in Aveyron.
You will visit the major nearby sites: the Lot Valley and its Most Beautiful Villages, Aubrac mountains, the Causse and the Gorges du Tarn, Millau and its Viaduct, ...
Alone, as a couple, with family or friends? In our city of character or in the middle of unspoiled nature, you will find accommodation suited to your desires and your budget.

208 results

Le Cazal


Le Joli Lót


Camping municipal Les Thermes - INFORMATIONS NON COMMUNIQUEES


Campsite situated in the centre of the village of Saint Saturnin de Lenne, small village on the Causse not far from the Lot valley and the Monts de l'Aubrac, close to the Millau viaduct.

Le refuge de Lenne


Aire de services municipale de camping-car à Sainte Eulalie d'Olt


This site is 5 minutes walk from the village centre, close to the municipal campsite and the river Lot.

Camping Brise du Lac


25 pitch campsite. Terraced site with a panoramic view of the Lot valley and Castelnau Lassout lake, a real paradise for anglers.

Camping municipal La Grave


You will appreciate this small semi-shaded campsite on the banks of the Lot, situated on the edge of the village of Sainte Eulalie d'Olt classified among the Plus Beaux Villages de France (most beautiful villages in France).

Village de Gîtes "la Cascade"


Availability online

This residential leisure park is situated in the middle of lush countryside overlooking the village of Sainte Eulalie d' Olt, classed as one of the Plus Beaux Villages de France (most beautiful villages in France). Everything has been thought out to ensure that your holiday goes like a dream, making the most of the modern facilities in the bucolic setting in the middle of the countryside.

Gîte du Clos du Salt


Hôtel Le Moulin d'Alexandre


This small friendly hotel is situated in the heart of the village of Ste Eulalie d'Olt, classified amongst the plus beaux villages de France (most beautiful villages in France). The restaurant offers local dishes.

L'Oustal - Martine Coumes


Le petit gîte de Malescombes - Ste Eulalie d'Olt


Entièrement gîte privé pour 2 personnes. Possibilité de le louer à partir de 1 nuit suivant les périodes.

Camping municipal de Galinière


30 shaded pitches on the banks of the Lot 500 metres from the village centre.

Aire de services municipale de camping-car à St Laurent d'Olt


Shaded site on the river bank, 1km from the village centre.

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