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Bike ride around Vimenet  (Aveyron) ©A. MERAVILLES
Bike ride around Vimenet (Aveyron) ©A. MERAVILLES

Sauveterre-de-Rouergue, vallée du Viaur

The Segala, aka the country with 100 valleys, is made for walks and hikes.
On foot and/or bike, you will go up and down marked paths while exploring our lovely villages: Sauveterre-de-Rouergue (“Most Beautiful Villages of France” label), Naucelle, Calmont, St Just sur Viaur…
No fear to have, you will make it: with breathes of fresh air, your mind lightened and your calves stronger!

Guided walk
Guided walk

With your family: Various cultural places are starting points of walks you can do all together (Difficulty level: 1*):
Bosc Castle - Residence of Toulouse Lautrec, Jean Boudou Museum, Villelongue Chapel, Taurines Castle. Several opportunities to bond culture and walking together, as well as living moments of sharing and reconnection.
Think about our free accompanied hikes from Naucelle and Sauveterre-de-Rouergue or about our walks index cards (0.50€ each), available in our Tourist Information Centres.

53 results

Randonnée Les 4 clochers

Distance 12km


Randonnée Un riche terroir

Distance 11km


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